Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Welcome to Ancient Greece!

You are citizens of one of the following city-states of Greece.
  • Athens
  • Sparta
  • Delos
  • Ithaca
  • Olympia
It is a time of growth and trade and you would like to attract new citizens to live and work in your city-state.  You and a small group of other citizens will put together a presentation about your city-state to encourage others to move there or to trade with you.

Your first task is to find out as much as possible about your city-state by researching in the classroom and on websites.  Be sure to find out the following information, at a minimum!  Fill out the city-state packet to prepare for your presentation.

1.  Location of your city-state
2.  Geography
3.  Trade routes available to you
4.  Form of government and leadership (Monarchy, Oligarchy, Tyranny, Democracy, Anarchy)
5.  Definition of citizenship
6.  Different jobs available to citizens
7.  Military strength to protect citizens
8.  Economic system to provide resources